Austin Location

(512) 430-2032

Houston Location

(281) 607-2310

End-of-Life Care Planning

End-of-life care planning involves making decisions and documenting preferences regarding the care and treatment one wishes to receive as they approach the end of life. This planning ensures that the patient's wishes are known and respected, and it can provide clarity and comfort to both the patient and their loved ones. Key components of end-of-life care planning include:

1. Advance Directives:

   - Living Will: A document that outlines the types of medical treatment and life-sustaining measures one wishes to receive or avoid (e.g., mechanical ventilation, resuscitation, tube feeding) if they become unable to communicate their decisions.

   - Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Designates a trusted person (a healthcare proxy or agent) to make medical decisions on behalf of the patient if they are unable to do so.

2. Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order:

   - A DNR order is a medical directive that instructs healthcare providers not to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if the patient's heart stops beating or they stop breathing. This must be discussed with and signed by a physician.

3. **Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) or Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST)**:

   - These are medical orders that provide specific instructions for various life-sustaining treatments, reflecting the patient's preferences. They are more detailed than a DNR and are intended for patients with serious illnesses or those nearing the end of life.

4. Hospice and Palliative Care:

   - Discussing the options for hospice or palliative care can help ensure that the patient receives the appropriate level of care focused on comfort and quality of life, rather than curative treatments.

5. Funeral and Burial Arrangements:

   - Planning ahead for funeral, burial, or cremation preferences can alleviate the burden on family members during a difficult time. This can include choosing a funeral home, specifying the type of service, and other related details.

6. Legacy Planning:

   - Patients may want to consider how they wish to be remembered, including writing a will, creating ethical wills or letters to loved ones, and organizing personal and financial affairs.

7. Communication with Loved Ones:

   - Openly discussing end-of-life wishes with family members and loved ones is crucial to ensure everyone understands the patient's preferences and to prevent misunderstandings during a crisis.

8. Financial and Legal Planning:

   - This may involve updating wills, trusts, and estate planning documents, as well as ensuring that financial accounts and insurance policies are in order.

End-of-life care planning is an ongoing process that should be revisited and updated as circumstances and preferences change. Engaging in these conversations early and documenting decisions clearly can provide peace of mind and ensure that one's wishes are honored.

Houston Location


12051 Sleepy Hollow Rd,
Conroe, TX 77385

Austin Location


7800 Shoal Creek Blvd. Suite 134-S,
Austin, TX 78757

We are available to serve our patients 24/7, 365 days a year!

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